Alex Behr released her debut, the story collection Planet Grim, back in October with 7.13 Books.
You can purchase a copy, and purchase a copy you should, here.
Alex says the book goes great with a shot of Tequila!
The introduction at Alex's Dead Rabbits Reading:
In her essay, “Wet,” Alex Behr writes: “I have books and fabric scraps. I have dead friendships and active stomach bacteria. Famous people never email back anymore.” Honest writing so often juxtaposes what is there to say with what we want to say. It places our dead friendships next to our stomach bacteria. It places our sorrow next to everything that holds and surrounds such sorrow. Alex Behr’s writing does this so well, and as such, it creates out of deep internal sorrow a kind of humor, joy, and hope, even as it moves deeper inward. By enacting the literal heartbeat on the page, with a writing that pulses and quivers even as it describes and moves, Alex gives us literal and lyrical life. “We’re a little rough. It’s OK,” Alex writes in one of her stories. And we are, and it is. And Alex’s writing enacts that roughness – reading it is less like reading a book and more like coming to terms.
From her interview with Emily at Fiction Writer's Review:
"Behr’s work is full of this freaky, casual sorcery. The stories are by turns funny, grimy, and compelling. Her characters betray themselves and each other at every turn, yet it’s impossible not to care about them because they feel so honestly, messily human."
Alex Behr is a writer, editor, and writing instructor in Portland, OR. Her writing has appeared in Tin House, Utne Reader, Oregon Humanities, Portland Review, Propeller Quarterly, and others. Alex Behr’s debut collection, PLANET GRIM, was published by 7.13 Books in October 2017.
Tis the Season for Planet Grim
Reviewed by vivien
December 19, 2017
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