Audio Series: Books, Bits & Bobs

Our audio series "The Authors Read. We Listen."  was hatched in a NYC club during BEA back in 2012. It's a fun little series, where authors record themselves reading an excerpt from their own novels, in their own voices, the way their stories were meant to be heard.

Daniel Abrahams will be reading 
chapter one from a novella entitled: The Noise from his new collection Books, Bits & Bobs. Daniel is a sports, entertainment and fashion journalist who has worked on numerous regional, national and international newspaper and magazine titles over the past 20 years. He has ghostwritten one published title in 2013: Through AdversityThe Fight for Rugby League in the RAF, which is available through Scratching Shed publications. He self-published his first fiction title, a dark thriller called The Wooden Heart, last October. 

Click on the soundcloud bars below to listen to Daniel read from his collection: 

What it's about:

RANGING from dark thriller ‘linear’ shorts, to one paragraph thought provoking pieces to an apocalyptic novella of unseen proportions, Daniel Abrahams has drawn together a collection of his fiction writings stretching back to 2011 for his first collection of short stories and second fiction release: Books, Bits & Bobs.

Books, Bits & Bobs swings from dreamlike states of romance and comedy, to tragedy, to betrayal and beauty; traversing the everyday to the everlasting. Featuring characters who are reviled, revered, rampant and rabid, living on the edge of discovery or the brink of destruction, there is plenty to get your teeth into and your mind wondering.
Audio Series: Books, Bits & Bobs Audio Series: Books, Bits & Bobs Reviewed by vivien on November 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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